"Far too often, we are collectively thrilled with people conveying basic human decency or, in other cases, simply acknowledging the marginalized in ways typically not done by anyone who is a part of the majority," writes
Michael Arceneaux.
"When I was a child, of all things I remember about
Bill Clinton, one that sticks out most is this notion of him being our first black president.
Clinton was called this because, as a Southern white man from meager means, he not only appreciated certain cultural mores typically associated with Southern black people but also perpetuated select
tropes about blacks, like, say, coming from a single-parent household. In the years following that comical claim, it’s been consistently noted that former
President Clinton is not our first black president—notably in terms of both policy and the political ascension of our actual, first black president,
Barack Obama. Unfortunately, in recent years, some members of the
LGBT community—notably the white ones—have not learned from this mistake. In recent years, I’ve seen
Obama hailed as “the first gay president.” This claim is rooted in
Obama being arguably the most progressive president in our nation’s history with respect to LGBT rights." READ MORE