Russell Tovey lands colorfully on the cover of the Attitude May 2021 issue. The out star of Looking and Years and Years reflects on queerness as a force for creation ahead of the release of his new book Talk Art: Everything You Wanted to Know About Contemporary Art But Were Afraid to Ask.

In the new issue Tovey shares what it was like working through his feelings of having a crush on a man:
"I was doing a TV show and I was desperately in love with this much older actor and had such a crush on him, and I didn’t think anyone knew", Russell recalls of coming to terms with his own sexuality. "I thought I was hiding it very well, but I wasn’t.
"This older actress took me for a walk along the beach where it was filming and explained to me that I might be gay. She said, 'If you are, that’s great; if you’re not, that’s fine. But you might be.' It felt like, oh, that’s an option. That is something I can possibly be. That’s what these feelings I’m having are."
WATCH: Russell Tovey reveals the queer artists that have shaped his life and career.
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